Paulo is a 12-year-old boy from Mwanza. At a young age, his father abandoned the family, leaving his mother responsible for him and his younger brother Chenja. To provide for the boys, she had to beg. Paulo and Chenja did not go to school, but had to help with begging. Because they were still so young and cute, they brought in more money than their mother.
The street team of Upendo Daima spoke to Paulo and his younger brother several times, who eventually decided to go to the Back Home House. There they received guidance, healthy food, and a safe roof over their heads. The team of Upendo Daima has since located the mother. They are assisting her, so that she can take care of her own children again in the future.
Paulo and his younger brother have been staying at Upendo Daima for a few months now. They go to school and in their free time, they play a lot of football. Paulo wants to become a professional footballer later, just like his idol Paul(o) Pogba!