More Than Just School!
Our children learn much more than just the lessons they learn at school. They also learn how to grow their own vegetables and fruits, how to clean, and how to take care of themselves. We believe these lessons are just as important as math, language, and geography!
Fantastic Proceeds from Fundraising Campaign
Upendo Daima operates entirely on gifts and donations from foundations, organizations, and individual donors. Without these gifts and donations, Upendo Daima would not exist. We are incredibly grateful to you for supporting our project and our children time and time again. In the past six months, Upendo Daima has held a fundraising campaign to ensure […]
New Secretary for Upendo Daima Netherlands
Since the end of 2019, Upendo Daima Netherlands has a new secretary: Jeanine de Groot. Jeanine introduces herself: ‘A few years ago, I met Ite. With a book “Swahili for Beginners” in hand, she was preparing for a year of volunteering at Upendo Daima in Tanzania. After she returned to the Netherlands, we got back […]
From Street Boy to Education Officer
In 2019, Sanga began as an Education Officer at Upendo Daima. Sanga knows better than anyone what it’s like to be a street boy, as he himself was one of the first boys to receive a formal education thanks to Upendo Daima. He is very happy that he can now contribute to the lives of […]
Another 7 Boys with a Diploma!
In 2019, 3 boys achieved their ST7 diploma (elementary school), and another 4 boys earned their form 4 diploma (high school). This is a fantastic achievement, especially considering that not all boys who come to us can read or write. One of the boys who has now completed his high school education expressed his dream […]
“De Boekenlegger” Hands Over a Cheque of 6000 Euros
On November 19, 2019, “De Boekenlegger” handed us another cheque of 6000 euros. We are extremely pleased with this. Our new board member, John Miltenburg, was able to receive it. Since the establishment of “De Boekenlegger”, they have raised 243,000 euros through the sale of second-hand books. They give books and our children a second […]
New Tanzanian Director and Accountant
Since the summer of 2019, Upendo Daima in Mwanza has had a new Director – Yusuph DL Mtobela – and a new Accountant – Tatu Njuna Mashauri. We wish them both a lot of success in their new role!
De Boekenlegger speelt voor Sinterklaas
Op zaterdag 20 november 2021 mocht Ite van Aardenne, voorzitter van Stichting Upendo Daima, opnieuw een donatie in ontvangst nemen van onze trouwe sponsor de Boekenlegger. Met een mooie symbolische cheque ter waarde van maar liefst € 8.000 euro zijn wij uiteraard weer ontzettend blij! Stichting de Boekenlegger, met ruim 20 vrijwilligers, steunt ons al […]
Overlijdensbericht Marga van Barschot
Met groot verdriet moeten wij u mededelen dat Marga van Barschot op 10 april is overleden. Marga heeft Upendo Daima laten uitgroeien van een dagbesteding voor straatkinderen, tot het project wat het nu is: een alomvattend project om straatkinderen te herenigen met hun families. Marga is 74 jaar oud geworden. Moeder van duizend straatkinderen Marga had […]
Upendo Daima in Coronatijd
In de afgelopen maanden zijn er vanwege Corona heel veel extra kinderen op de straten van Mwanza terecht gekomen. Vele ouders zijn hun baan verloren en kunnen daardoor niet meer voor hun kinderen zorgen. Upendo Daima werkt erg hard om deze kinderen op te vangen en waar mogelijk weer naar huis te brengen. Tegelijkertijd is Upendo […]